Saturday, September 8, 2007


Learning to accept kindness with graciousness and gratitude, understanding that they come without expectations. To recieve a gift in the same way I give, without requiring any instant or identical reciprocation because we give for both the joy of the reciever and the giver alike. That I don't have to prove anything to be worthy, that being myself is enough. Applying what I know to be true about desire… that perhaps wanting to be taken care of is not a flaw or sign of weakness but instead a yearning to be fulfilled and if that be so then there is an equal and opposite desire waiting to fulfill.

Soak it up.

Feel the burn of the sun on my chest, weighing heavy and pleasant. Store it away for later when winter grey falls around my home. Want to bottle this sweat like a treasured cologne and relish a paradise that everyone loves to hate.

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